Friday, March 27, 2015

3/27/15, Friday 9-11AM, Covering for Jaylen

I must prioritize a diario for Spanish class during this shift.  I just got done with a 90 minute rowing workout (circuit); freshly showered and wearing my tiger dress.  Spoke with David and Barbara this morning.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/26/15, Thursday 215-3PM, Covering for Abby

Abby is sick.  I'm covering the small piece of her library express desk shift that didn't conflict with my existing schedule.

We need to sanitize the equipment, I think.  Amy, high school best friend, exits the library and I wish her luck on the exam she is about to take.

Most importantly, we need to clean the laptops, headphones, iPads, and counter-tops.  The black iDesk counter in front of me is covered in accumulated dust and fingerprint grime.  I assist a patron with a book renewal: Oil Culture.  The afternoon library traffic is steady and I wonder about the number of patron that circulate in the building on a daily basis.

We need laptop chargers.
We need a maker space.
We need a library student club.
We need pillows in the upper floor window cavities.
We need overnight events designed to familiarize the student body with our space.
We need to dream of the future, of future possibilities and innovations.

I need to explore Dodd, and I need to better learn the history, staff, story, and functioning systems/elements/intricacies of the Homer Babbidge Library.  I want to learn about how other libraries function and what other roles in librarianship might look like.

Chris, my coworker, enters the library and we chat about shift coverage and eye brow grooming strategies.

French airplane crash has made NYTimes headlines. 

In my student agency class,

Monday, March 23, 2015

Homer Babbidge, Back Again, Monday 8pm-12am

I'm at the library instead of the basketball game.  I am covering my coworker's shift.  She covered my shift over the weekend, at the end of spring break.  It's the least I could do and I'm happy to have the extra hours.

The library is fairly busy.  There's a lot of foot traffic and a lot of laptop circulation.

My friend Shaheer stopped by the front desk.  His eyes were red-rimmed from lack of sleep.  Biomedical engineering major; and leader of extracurricular groups.  Recipe for red eyes.  We exchange updates and chatter about life.  He invites me to a Palestine Student Association dinner with speakers and dance performances, to be held Friday, April 3 in the Rome Student Ballroom.

I parked outside the Bookworms cafe entrance to library.  This evening, I parked in the circle, on a patch of pavement with diagonal white stripes.  I hope the parking police aren't on the prowl... hard to say with there being a basketball game.

Earlier, I parked legally - in one of the handicap spots.  Walking towards the Homer Babbidge building, both times, I envisioned an architectural remodeling of our brutish building.  Homer Babbidge Library (HBL) was built in the 1970's.  If I am someday a rich donor, I should like to see a Louvre-style glass pyramid added to the top of the building.  It would be called "The Atrium" and it would be filled with plant-life, room to stretch, and recuperate.  It would feature high-tech, collaborative, innovative, maker-spaces and a MOOC center.

The Atrium would be a great architectural improvement... and very functional.

The Spanish homework that I fretted over this morning is not due until Friday.  It will be a personal, historical account of Colorado's Black Forest Fire.  In Spanish.

Tonight, I fret over these things:
- Exam content for Linguistics (office hours 8:15am tomorrow)
- Midterm presentation (for tomorrow), handout prep
- Food System Profile: Edible Insects (not yet started!!! due Wednesday)
- Getting enough sleep

I'll leave you with some video meditations on Library Spaces:

3/23/15, Monday 9-11AM

I've got Spanish on the mind.

So it goes with the inner workings of a student librarian.

Homer Babbidge is busy.  A flood of patrons washes through the NO EXIT gates in front of me.  I would wager a guess at 5 patrons / 10 seconds.  I sip tension tamer tea from a thermos on the counter at left.  There is sharp pain in my gut.  I ignore it and assist patrons: room carrel key, directions to electronic classroom, anthropology textbook on reserve.  I am happy.

Chat with my coworker, Kathleen is built on our mutual understanding of what it's like to be recovering from a fibula ankle fracture.  We are both still limping, having survived the winter season in Connecticut.

My life has been rich with library visits recently and a future digital media project seems likely.

Last weekend, I visited Yale's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, as well as their Divinity Library, where I studied.

A small-town Greenwich library also featured in my recent library explorations.

This morning, I got on a stationary bike for the first time since breaking my leg in January.  The return of cardio was accompanied by a return to watching TedTalks.  The following talk was an inspiring analysis of what the future might hold for the design of libraries and other public spaces.


Now back to that Spanish homework that's been haunting me.  When is it due?

The transition out of spring break may not be smooth one.
